Rắc Hàn Cáp 3 Pin Mini Din Male Connector For PLC Program Black Rắc Mạ Nickel

Mã SP: 1346

Thương hiệu: China

Loại sản phẩm: Mini 3 Pin Din Male Connector

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Xuất xứ/Nguồn hãng: China/Connector Plastic
Bảo hành: 12 tháng
Tình trạng: Còn hàng

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Mr Khanh: 091.301.5851

Mr Đức: ‭‭‭034.694.3558‬
: vuvietduc8586

Mr Hiển: ‭094.816.2498‬

Mr Khôi: ‭‭‭037.308.1800

‬ Mr Lam: ‭085.514.0226

Mr Khoa: ‭‭‭098.131.9702

The Mini 3 Pin DIN Male Solder Connector is economic and lightweight. The plug comes in four parts and can be easily disassembled for access to the solder cups. The Mini 3 Pin DIN Male Connector accepts up to 24 AWG wire. The Mini 3 Pin DIN Male Connector is designed with molded strain relief and accepts cables up to 5mm.
3 Pin Mini DIN Male
Lead Type: Solder Cups
Molded Strain Relief
Accepts 24 AWG Wire
Accepts Cable up to 5mm