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Cáp Kết Nối Serial Cable BT75034 6Ft Dài 1.8M Shielded RS232 DB9 Male to Female For BioTek ELx800 Universal Microplate Reader Connection Computer
Mã SP: 8290
Thương hiệu: KTT Medical Hospital Cable
Loại sản phẩm: Cable DB9 M/F
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Mô tả :
Xuất xứ/Nguồn hãng: ViệtNam/Thientruongpc
Bảo hành: 12 tháng
Tình trạng: Còn hàng
Mua Hàng Online
Mr Khanh: 091.301.5851
Mr Đức: 034.694.3558
: vuvietduc8586
Mr Hiển: 094.816.2498
Mr Khôi: 037.308.1800
Mr Lam: 085.514.0226
Mr Khoa: 098.131.9702
BioTek ELx800 Absorbance Microplate Reader 24 48 96 Well 405 450 562 595 ELISA
BioTek ELx800 Universal Microplate Reader, 405nm, 450nm, 490nm & 595nm Filters
Serial Cable PN 75034
Device Manager Windows 10
1. Turn off the computer and the reader. Connect the appropriate serial cable
between the two machines.
2. Turn on both machines.
3. Install KC4 on the computer and register the software with BioTek.
4. Start KC4. Login if prompted.
5. Select System > Readers. Scroll through the list of Available Readers and
select the appropriate reader model. Click the Port button (and subsequent
Setup button), to define the following communications parameters:
Port: Select the COM port used for the RS-232 serial
cable connection
9600 (default), 1200, or 2400 (must match the baud
rate on the reader)
Data Bits: 8
Parity: No
Stop Bits: 2
6. Click the Current Reader button to attempt to establish communication with
the reader, using the currently defined communication parameters.
7. If successful, click OK to save the settings and close the dialog box. If not
successful, KC4 will provide appropriate instructions for resolving any problems.
Cáp Kết Nối Serial Cable BT75034 6Ft Dài 1.8M Shielded RS232 DB9 Male to Female For BioTek ELx800 Universal Microplate Reader Connection Computer